AIA Prepares Students to be Future Ready
One of the most important aims of any school must be driven by the notion of ‘future ready’. But what does this term mean and how can we prepare our students to be ‘future ready?’ ‘Future ready’ can mean many things depending on the context. For our educators and students at AIA, ‘future ready’ means that:
• We are socially and environmentally responsible; members care for other people locally, nationally and internationally. We take appropriate action for a more sustainable future.
• Our actions are underpinned by values, principles and creativity.
• We learn to be resilient and adapt to new situations.
• We are knowledgeable and place significant value on critical thinking and reflection.
• We learn how to use technology for both our purposes and the advancement of others.
• We collaborate with groups locally and internationally for the following reasons: socially, academically and making the world a better place.
In a nutshell, how do we at AIA prepare our students?
In a ‘future ready’ learning environment, the curriculum must focus on thinking, researching, problem posing and problem solving, brainstorming, collaborating, learning to learn and transference of knowledge to new situations. Knowledge, skills, understandings and competencies must underpin our teaching and learning. Technology must play a significant part in learners’ development.
In an everchanging world, we need to be able to answer the following question with confidence: Are AIA students and staff ‘future ready?’ Absolutely!