The PYP marks the start of a lifelong journey. It develops caring and culturally aware children to become active participants in their own learning.
AIA School is an authorized IB World School offering the Primary Years Programme (PYP). IB World Schools share a common philosophy- a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education- that we believe is important for our students
Inquiry-Based approach
The purpose of an integrated curriculum is to benefit the development of the “whole student” and to extend the ways the brain naturally strives to make purposeful connections between learning in various disciplines.
More than twenty (20) years of brain research concludes that the brain is wired for relevance and personal meaning. The PYP provides for this through the intellectually challenging and globally relevant “Transdisciplinary Themes” (PYP) and “Interdisciplinary Studies” (MYP).
Transdisciplinary Themes:
These themes represent “life-long inquiries” and each PYP grade revisits elements of these Transdisciplinary Themes throughout their years through age appropriate “Units of Inquiry”. Together these form the basis for globally and individually contextualised learning, and we represent that in what we call our school’s IB PYP Programmes of Inquiry.
The school’s Programmes of Inquiry incorporates the entire IB PYP Science and Social Studies curriculum and much of the Personal, Social and Physical Education (PSPE) programme.
Language, Mathematics, Physical Education, Additional Languages, PSPE, and the Arts (Music, Visual Art, and Drama), are integrated purposefully to allow for connection and application in meaningful contexts. However the curriculum also allows for independent or “stand-alone” lessons in these areas.